Sunday, December 28, 2008

Grand prize winner announced!


  1. Congratulations to the winners!! So many fabulously wonderful Christmas cards! Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!!!

  2. What a fun contest! I'm happy to be a runner up! Thanks so much. Hope you and your family have a very Happy New year!
    Nancy Powell

  3. Nancy, congrats! Drop me a note with which book you'd like me to send you.

    Rae, keep an eye out for the next contest!

  4. That is such an awesome contest... too bad I wasn't a winner! BUT getting a Christmas card in the mail ROCKED! My husband thought it was cool too! Happy New Year!

  5. this is Madison and megan from mrs haltermans class and we cant wait for u to come and madison said her aunt is bennie or sabreia sorry dont know how to spell her name. And tell mrs halterman we wrote to u.

  6. Thanks Madison and Meghan! I'll tell Mrs. H :)
