Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh brother, where art thou?

So I'm minding my own business today (ie. finding reasons not to work) when a good friend, Michael A., e-mails and asks why I haven't updated my blog in so long. Among other loving words of chastisement he writes: "Aren't you finishing your new book now? Why don't you put up something up about it?"

Good thinkin', here's your update!

Writing Christmas Jars sequel.
Way behind schedule.
Title will be announced soon.
Polishing manuscript for children's book.
Way behind schedule.
Title will be announced soon.
Negotiating final details of new 2-book contract with new publisher.
Details soon.
Have a cold and need to get better.
Way behind schedule!

And there you have it. Happy Michael? ;) (You know I love ya like a brotha!)


  1. Don't let him razz you Michael...I've been wondering the same thing!
    And a children's book - that's piqued my curiosity! Can't wait!
    Thanks for the update Jason!

  2. That gotta keep an eye on him all the time! Glad he spurned you onto an update!

  3. "Oh brother, where art thou?" is the truth.
    Childrens's book? that does sound exciting. Is what I think it is getting rolling or is it something different?

  4. Yay! A children's book! I will have to purchase a copy of it when it is released and PRAY PRAY PRAY you make it to Raleigh someday to sign it personally for Jakob and Jonah! And superdeeduper excited about the CJ sequel!!! Blessings my friend!!!!

  5. Hi Jason, you just stopped by my blog and left me a comment...and yes, I LOVED The Wednesday Letters! Beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it with us, it is truly a blessing!
