Angels Among Us: Dad came to get mom
Claudia C.
I had experiences with both my Father's passing and my Mother's. Dad came to get Mom. She had thrown up on her way back from the bathroom and then collapsed on the floor. The cute young girl who was taking care of her said that a nice looking dark headed man came into her room and said he was a family member came to get Lou. She told him she needed to clean her up and would be just a little while. He went out the door, but no one ever saw him again, and no one had signed the sign in log at the front door, as a visitor for her. The family all knows that it was Dad coming to take her with him. This has helped me to know that there is life beyond this one and that we will not be alone when our time comes.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Angels Among Us: Dad came to get mom
Another sweet story from a reader who agrees that there are certainly angels among us:
What a comforting thought to know that your dad came for your mom. That is how it should be and that is exactly how it was in their case. How lovely!