"What a remembrance of what Christmas is truly about"
(Name withheld)
I read Christmas Jars last year and immediately started our jar. It set in our bay window and was a reminder each day of the real meaning of Christmas. The coins added up and many were changed into bills as Christmas approached.
I shared the idea with others and another friend and I gave jars and the book to the members of our book club so they can start a jar for next year. My Sunday School class is also passing a jar each Sunday so we can help a family next year.
After much thought and prayer, we decided on the family to receive our jar.
The husband has had numerous health problems and is now unable to work. The wife was
laid off earlier and they are really struggling with some life issues. We felt good that we could share our jar with them and hopefully make a small difference when they
needed it.
Our Jar for 09 is already collecting coins and we are already wondering where its' journey will take us next year. What a remembrance of what Christmas is truly about.
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